Getting Started Guide


InstructToGo is a web-based service for securely hosting video for a group of subscribers.  Security of the video content, control over pricing options, and increased revenue percentage are the primary differentiators from alternative services (e.g., YouTube, Vimeo).

Note: The service is currently available in a limited availability status while improvements to the platform are in development.  The core platform has been in production for nearly two years.  The enhancements in development are focused on improving the user experience of the content providers, including:

  • Self-service configuration and site setup
  • Automating financial transactions
  • Simplifying the video editing and upload process

What is needed to get started

Instruct ToGo is very flexible, and requires and requires setup and configuration before a site can be launched. Only a few things are needed to configure your site:

  • Branding information – used to configure basic look of the site to align with your business
    • current website content and assets
    • logo files
    • photographs
    • colors and style preferences for your business
  • Pricing tier information – how much do you want subscribers to pay for access
    • This is very flexible.  Some options available include
      • Weekly/monthly recurring memberships
      • Weekly/monthly one-time passes
      • Longer-term buy-ahead passes (6-month and annual are most common)
      • Discount codes / promotional coupons
      • Referral codes
      • Referral discounts
      • Pricing can be set independently between levels
    • If an option is not outlined above, contact us and we can discuss the requirement and try to identify a configuration to meet your needs.
    • Payment transactions
      • Your subscribers visit the site and register, select an access plan, and pay directly in the website with credit/debit card.  They also use the site to change or cancel their subscriptions and manage their account (it’s not much to manage–subscription plans, payments, passwords and emails).
      • Payment processing is integrated through Stripe, a very secure, standard payment processing service that charges 2.9%+$0.30 fees.
      • We are exploring options to integrate to other membership and payment services. We currently offer options to manage subscribers to our service by syncing users and subscriptions manually. We can manage the process for you for a minor additional fee. Contact us for details.
      • If existing in-person payments are important, we can discuss options to work out a plan for in person payments if you like, coordinating access will be a minor additional fee.  Contact us for details.
  • Video content
    • Nearly all video formats are supported
    • Typically, videos are recorded live classes or events, but produced recordings work great if you have made that investment
    • Overhead angles from the front of the class perspective are most often recorded
      • ~8-10 feet above the floor offers a good balance of perspective and visibility
    • GoPro cameras have been successfully used because they offer the following features
      • Fisheye camera angle
        • View more of the room for instructors who move around during classes
      • Audio integration
        • Connect the line out from A/V and stereo systems
        • Particularly useful for improved audio quality to capture clear voice instructions over music with typical wireless mic/headset setups
        • Video from GoPro replica cameras will likely work, but most do not include an audio line-in feature
      • Mounting options for GoPro videos are extensive.  Suction cup mounts (for attaching to mirrors) and fixed wall mounts are readily available.
      • Note: GoPro cameras generate substantial file sizes, and are often cut into multiple files every 10 minutes.  Because of this, editing steps to cut, merge and compress videos are typically performed prior to uploading.
    • Cell phone video
      • Most phones do not offer a fisheye capability, but lenses can be purchased online to clip onto the camera.  These can be finicky to set up reliably, but are a quick, inexpensive option
      • There are many options for mounting phones, both temporary and fixed mounts.  Contact us if you would like to discuss ideas, but your creativity will probably find the best solution
      • Many phones offer a line in capability, or a USB line in adapter can sometimes be used if compatible with your phone
      • Depending on the acoustics of your room, you may be able to record directly from the handset mic.
    • Video Processing and Editing
      • All video editing and processing should be performed prior to uploading the video to site.  We will offer walk through guides for typical editing activities, however the variety of editing programs available is extensive and our walkthroughs may not be specific to your software.
        • Not sure where to start?  We have specific guides available for editing videos using the VideoConverter software from MovAVI.  This software is available for purchase separate from Instruct ToGo and is not included in the costs.  If you have questions, please contact us.
        • Another option is Handbrake, an freely available video editor with many powerful options. However, the learning curve can be more difficult, but there are many resources available online.
        • We will work to add more guides for common video editing software.  Please contact us to request specific guides so we can prioritize common software.
    • Contact us if you need additional support.  We have options for full-service video editing, so contact us to discuss your needs and options.

Costs and Subscription Service Fees

  • Costs
    • Instruct ToGo pricing is to support the growth of your business.  Multiple tiers are available.
      • An up-front service deposit of $750 is charged prior to creating your site.  This charge will be refunded as a 20% discount of monthly subscription fees until the deposit is fully returned.  Monthly subscription charges will not begin until the second month.
  • Detailed Pricing Summary
    • The base subscription fees are set so we can offer stable and reliable infrastructure, including the costs associated with our servers, hosting, maintenance, and support.
    • The revenue surcharge is a flat rate that is determined on a monthly basis. As your business does better, our business does better.  We believe this demonstrates our commitment to your success and that the satisfaction of your customers is as important to us as it is to you.
      • The rate is determined by the average pricing you charge your subscribers.  The more you charge your customers, the lower our revenue surcharge rate. This model allows us to offer our service to a broad range of businesses with a variety of value offerings, enabling a more reliable and robust service for all of our customers.
      • Starting (maximum) rates for each tier are:
        • Building Audience rates start at 6.5%
        • Gaining Momentum rates start at 5.5%
        • Rising Start rates start at 4.5%
        • Professional rates start at 3.75%
  • Additional services are available to help you get started.  Contact us for details.
    • We will purchase and configure a custom domain name for your site (i.e.,
      • Based on domain availability
    • We will customize your site to match your business’ branding, including colors, style and logo
    • We will create intro and outro video clips you can use when editing videos to give them a more professional/produced touch
    • Personalized, hands on training and support
    • In-studio camera and A/V setup